Businify Your Art Life Masterclass
Are you ready to bust through personal and professional blocks to get your art business thriving and make more money?
I’ve had countless conversations with artists just like you, struggling to understand and put in place ways to sell their artwork and make more money.
That’s why I created this masterclass to offer you a safe space to learn and plan to Businify Your Art Life! You already have a product that clients want so let’s break those personal and business blocks to help you start thriving in all parts of life like the artist you're meant to be and make more money!
With over 15 years of business and art experience I’ve broken down the ways to move you forward in 6 weeks (plus a bonus week!).
Gratitude Practice
Non-Negotiable & Routines
Inner Critic
Limiting self-beliefs
Your Story
Money Mindset
Pricing Artwork
Passive Income
Dream It You Dreamer
Aligned Action
Artwork Inventory
Social Media
You Are Your Biggest Fan
Find Your People
Operations Manual
What To Expect When You Join Me:
Discuss your goals and intentions
6 1 on 1 Accountability zoom Calls (Plus BONUS Call!)
Discuss the assignments
Work through any struggles
Set up goals for the next call
6 Modules (Plus BONUS Module!)
Breakthrough emotional blocks
Set up a business structure
21 Videos
24 Downloadable Resources
So, Who's Teaching This Thing?
Hi, I'm Kimberly!
I have always felt inspired by artists and wanted to create a place where they felt valued. Starlight Art Consultancy was created to be the conduit between artists and business. I have established a place where artists can find mentorship with personal blocks and the business side of selling their artwork to make more money.
Interested, but not ready for the full Masterclass yet?
Don’t worry I got you….
Here’s a go at your own pace Businify Your Art Life course. Use code SAVE50JUNE for $50 off until 7/1/2021.