Artwork Inventory
Having updated artwork inventory is essential for keeping track of your art. This is also good practice when you need to provide galleries, art consultants, or collectors your available work in a timely manner.

Dream It You Dreamer
Being able to obtain everything you want in life means taking the time to think about what that actually looks like. This is why it’s important to make sure you have quiet, quality time set aside for dreaming.

Passive Income
One way to create abundance is to have passive income. Passive income is the method by which you set up multiple streams of income that require little to no daily effort in order to maintain.

Pricing Artwork
The most basic way to start thinking about pricing your artwork is to keep track of how much you spend on supplies and how many hours you spend to complete the pieces.

Money Mindset
Pricing your artwork may feel challenging depending on your relationship with money.

A helpful way to reprogram the inner critic and its limiting beliefs are to set up daily positive affirmations.

Limiting Self-Beliefs
A limiting belief is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a belief you have that stops you from doing or being your most authentic self.

Inner Critic
Our inner critic is just our fear. It is trying to keep us safe and stagnant because it just doesn’t know any better.

Non-Negotiables & Routines
One way to give back to yourself is to move your body daily. This could mean anything from having a wicked sweat sesh to a calming connection to your soul through practicing yoga.